Saturday, 15 February 2014

Quality sister-time!

On my penultimate weekend in the UK, my sisters and I spent a fantastic day together.  We basically were girls who shopped, ate, drank and giggled...perfect way to spend a Saturday!  We kicked off our day with Starbucks hot chocolates...of course we each picked something different!  Between us we had Salted Caramel, Signature and Vanilla Spice...

After some shopping we treated ourselves to Afternoon Tea at Bill's - well we had missed a meal (or two)!  It was a bargain at only £9.95 per person but also yummy and generous...

Whilst one sister went for a classic 'Earl Grey' in a gigantic teapot, the rest of us plucked for the more adventureous 'spiced chai' which tasted like cinnamon.

Then our food arrived, complete with stacked trays, featuring finger sandwiches, cakes and - best of all - scones.

Being good girls, we started with our savoury treats...smoked salmon, cucumber & cream cheese, egg mayonnaise and ham, mustard & tomato.

Next up were the scones with lashings of jam and cream - absolutely delicious.

And finally we carved up the dessert selection: chocolate cake, lemon meringue pie, flapjack and strawberry tart:

Which we polished off nicely!

Though this wasn't the end of our Saturday the Ferrero Rocher blog to see what we ate that evening.

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