Sunday, 12 January 2014

Ping Pong (food - not shows!)

I love asian food and Ping Pong on South Bank is perfect for a post-work dinner/drinks catch-up session. To warm me up, after a freezing and breezy walk along the river I opted for a ‘Flowering dragon eye’ tea. When it arrived it looked like a large rabbit dropping at the bottom of my glass! But once the hot water had been poured in, it slowly started to open up into a beautiful flower basket in my glass!



Then, having salivated over the menu I picked a chicken wonton soup, scallop and shiitake dumplings and some surprisingly tiny steamed asparagus:

To finish off our catch-up evening I had another flowering tea – this time I went for flowering jasmine and lily, which wasn’t as dramatic as the dragon eye but still tasty:

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