Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Edible Christmas wreaths - fun cooking!

My American friends hosted a party shortly before Christmas and, alongside some seriously tasty salmon, was a sweet treat I'd never seen before - edible Christmas wreaths!

Don't they look fantastic?!  Also shown are delicious 'smudgies' - frozen banana & peanut butter in between graham crackers.  Check out a recipe here.

Now back to the wreaths...I fancied trying these out for my family back home and my friend happily sent me off with recipe in hand plus a bag of 'red hots' - cinnamon flavoured hard sweets.

Fortunately the recipe is pretty easy so one day just before Christmas one of my sisters and I got to work!

There are minimal ingredients: butter, cornflakes, marshmallows, food colouring, vanilla extract and the red hots.

We started by melting the butter over a low heat.

Then added the marshmallows and also melting them...

...stirring constantly until the mixture was all smooth.  You can tell already this isn't a health food post!

Taking the pan off the heat we then added food colouring and vanilla extract.  And then some more food colouring - basically a whole bottle to try and get that bright green colour!

Then stir in the cornflakes.

Before the mixture hardens, then use spoons / fingers / spatulas to drop the mixture onto greaseproof paper and shape into wreath-shapes.  Definitely easier said than done!  Then decorate with red hots.

Then we put them into the fridge for a couple of days before actually eating to help them set into shape but they will be done quicker than that.

And then just serve...

...and tuck in!

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