Friday, 13 November 2015

Halloween feast!

My family has celebrated Halloween for as long as I can remember. The highlight is always the food. My mama is great at making a real foodie event and this year was no exception.

She crafted “witches’ fingers” from heritage carrots, cream cheese and almonds…

As I set to work on our pumpkin.

He took on a charming yet sinister character…

Ta-dah - meet Tony.

It was time to make the halloween drinks. We decided on a blood cocktail…


Complete with witches’ stockings decorations.

Also on our halloween nibbles were eyeballs (doughballs with olives)

Monsters’ toes…with or without nail polish! (chicken sausages wrapped in pastry)

After eating starters to our hearts’ content it was time for the main event.

Fish cakes…

…plus a few accessories…

…resulting in spider burgers.


Dessert time and we were delighted to see what was next...
We had ‘eyeball jelly’ (lychees, grapes and a jelly bean)…

…and ghosts (frozen bananas coated in white chocolate and coconut). 

Funny and scrummy - even if it did look at you as you ate it!

Another excellent halloween feast by Mama!

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