Saturday, 9 May 2015

Dubai - shopping

You can’t come to Dubai and not shop – I can’t think of a city more associated with shopping!  However, a word of caution – everything is super expensive.  

We visited Dubai Mall - the world's largest shopping mall!  It has 1,200 shops and is over 13 million square feet (more than 50 football fields) and also home to the Dubai Aquarium, a luxury hotel, 22 cinema screens and 120 restaurants / cafes.

It opened in 2009 and now has more than 750,000 weekly visitors - more than New York City and other big leisure destinations, like Niagara Falls and Times Square!

However, it was largely full of western brands (and overpriced compared to home).  It also (randomly) has an ice rink inside!

And an impressive water wall.

and a gold iPhone!

We wandered outside and watched the regular water show outside the mall. 

It was a little underwhelming – I think the evening performance is meant to be better though.

Then we admired the view of Burj Kalifa, the tallest building, before heading up there for Afternoon Tea - read my review of the experience here.

As part of our shopping day, we also visited Dubai’s souks.

First the ‘Gold Souk’ – a traditional market of over 300 stores that trade almost exclusively in jewellery.  Apparently there's usually around 10 tons of gold in the souk at any time!!

Honestly it was smelly and stressful!  The place was dripping in bright yellow gold and full of touts who wouldn’t leave you alone.  

We found a store that our taxi driver had recommended and tried on a few items.

But the colouring of the gold didn’t suit my skin colour at all, plus a lot of the styles were too ‘over-the-top’ for me.  Then of course the price – I’d thought gold was ‘cheap’ in Dubai but definitely not!

After having enough of the Gold Souk, we headed to the Spice Souk next door.  

 Much more my kind of place.

It was like a small version of Istanbul’s Spice Bazaar (here's my blog of my visit last year).

Great smells – spices, teas and incense - hung in the air and it was much more peaceful than the Gold Souk.

We wandered into a store where I sampled various dried fruits before choosing some delicious dates to take home.

It's also next to the creek, so we admired had a little wander around...

...checking out the market stalls...

...admiring the boats and skyline.

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1 comment :

  1. Dubai is best country for shopping I already visit dubai shopping mall it was my great experience,thanks for shearing about this I’m really amazed with your posting skills as well as with the layout on your blog site.
    Trobone Dubai


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