In Spain we can treat ourselves to lots of delicious food and home cooking becomes much more fun with the tasty ingredients around us...
Even the fruit is so much better - especially my favourites!
We do BBQs with freshly caught fish...
Mama also made an amazing paella one night…full of fresh seafood - heaven!
And it’s not just dinners that are tasty…lunchtime is also funtime! Check out the size of these tomatoes - my favourite here! So tasty - you can almost taste the ‘red’.
Accompanied by some eggy bread. It’s about the only time I eat eggy bread so it’s such a treat (& a great way to use up the bread that dries out quickly due to the heat)
The peppers come a close second too..
Yum yum yum !
I totally agree that everything tastes fresher in Spain! When I lived there I would load up on the summer fruit too; lovely picture of the figs and watermelon above!
Thanks, Elise! Your coffee pics in your last post are stunning...especially as a caffeine addict who has given it up for lent!!